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ClubSpace is a live listening party for creators to share their curated music NFTs with their Lens frens


Created At


Winner of


πŸ† ETHBogota Finalist


πŸ— Polygon β€” Deployed on Polygon

Pocket Network

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ Pocket Network β€” Pool Prize

Streamr Network

πŸ₯‡ Streamr β€” Best Use

Project Description

This project allows creators to create a club space party by importing their Spinamp playlist, setting their promoted Decent NFT, setting up a Lens post, and finally setting up the free NFT that party participants receive if they can provide a zk proof of their attendance. In live club space page, connected Lens account can see each other's avatars, listen to the playlist, and send reactions over a p2p pub/sub network.

How it's Made

We used Lens as a social login, and to post the party promotion. We used Streamr for live interactions during the club space. We used EPNS for any ClubSpace subscriber to receive notifications whenever a new party is created. A slick nextjs app ties everything together, with some APIs for data wrangling, impression logging, and finally we used Semaphore for the zk attestations for users to prove they were at a specific club space - by submitting their proof, they can get the reward NFT

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