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Try ClubDAO when you want to create a short-term collaborations/event basis/adhoc tasks composed of members from different individual DAOs


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Winner of

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

ClubDAO: Bridging DAOs for Collaborative Ventures While individual DAOs excel in their respective domains, there arises a need for inter-DAO collaboration, especially for projects that require diverse expertise or are of a short-term nature. Enter ClubDAO –your go-to solution for creating collaborative spaces between different DAOs.

Key Features:

Short-Term Collaborations: ClubDAO is designed to facilitate projects that don't need a long-term commitment but require the combined skills of members from different DAOs. Be it a month-long research project or a week-long hackathon, ClubDAO offers the infrastructure to make it happen.

Event-Based Collaborations: Organizing an event and need sponsors, speakers, or participants from various DAOs? ClubDAO is your platform to seamlessly integrate resources from multiple DAOs for a successful event.

Ad-hoc Task Assignments: Sometimes, you just need the right person for a specific job. ClubDAO allows you to tap into the vast talent pool spread across different DAOs, ensuring you always have the right person for any ad-hoc task.

Unified Interface: Despite drawing members from different DAOs, ClubDAO provides a consistent and unified interface for all users. This ensures that irrespective of the originating DAO, every member feels at home in ClubDAO.

Transparent Operations: Built on the principles that make DAOs revolutionary, ClubDAO ensures complete transparency in its operations, financial dealings, and decision-making processes.

Conclusion: ClubDAO is more than just a platform; it's a movement towards fostering greater collaboration in the decentralized world. By bridging gaps between individual DAOs, ClubDAO paves the way for innovative projects, richer collaborations, and a future where the whole is indeed greater than the sum of its parts.

How it's Made

At the core of ClubDAO we built a set of smart contracts on Optimism Goerli, Base Goerli, Zora Goerli and Mode Sepolia, designed to decentralize university clubs and provide effective governance. Our goal is to empower university clubs and create a fairer, more transparent landscape.

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