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Use clu3 to get rid of undesired bots putting hands on your smart contracts!


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

clu3 is an easy to implement modular service that works with an easy to integrate modular Solidity function that lets any Smart Contract to add any humanity proof between functions to avoid the bots automatic transactions, in example a CAPTCHA (as seen in our demo site).

Everyone in the space hates undesired bots transacting within us! the developers when they are willing to open a project to the real community for their organic growth and the degens when are going for their slot in some activation but is late because the bots got everything in 0.69 milliseconds.

To do so we use a Keccak-256 signed string made by a timestamp, senderAddress and unique id (clu3_id) to reference each implementation, so we can avoid signature mining, tx hijacking and signature re-use respectively.

In the SC we set the filters to confirm a valid transaction, letting pre-configured whitelisted addresses to bypass the filter (for the own developers purposes) and a modular read/write web3 storage service buffer connection to check used timestamps, for our prototype demo site we use onchain storage.

How it's Made

Using etherjs in the offchain functions and the native Ethereum Keccak-256 cryptographic libraries for validation purposes and a human generated timestamp variable as a unique coexisting reference IRL<->Blockchain, we developed a ready to use Solidity function to avoid the undesired (not all) Bots to transaction in some (or all) functions of our Smart Contracts.

This function is Modular and for our prototype we use the onchain read/write module but it can be used and optimized to work with any web3 data storage service and also an Oracle.

The service needed to generate the signature is programed in node.js with etherjs.

Other modules of web3 datastorage and Humanity Verification are going to be developed for our prototyping so the user can choose where to store his buffer depending on other interests he might have but also adding other new/future web3 storage services without needing to rewrite the whole tool.

This is a modular tool that will work with any HumanityProof service and web3 data storage.

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