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Clover is a decentralised collaboration tool for DAOs, with the aim to reduce latency in DAO operations and activity.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

Protocol Labs

🏃 FVM — Runner Up

Project Description

Clover is a decentralised collaboration tool for DAOs, with the aim to reduce latency in DAO operations and activity.Clover is a decentralised collaboration tool for DAOs, with the aim to reduce latency in DAO operations and activity.

We made use of NextJS for the Application's frontend, coupled with TailwindCSS for styling. On the back, we made use of Laravel for the most part of the Application's architecture.

For integrations, we used Huddle as our integration partner of choice, for Meetings and Decentralised A/V communication. We also used IPFS and the FVM for total DAO storage, being the best choice in that regard.

We make use of Solidity for our Smart Contracts, all deployed on the Filecoin Virtual Machine.

How it's Made

We made use of NextJS for the Application's frontend, coupled with TailwindCSS for styling. On the back, we made use of Laravel for the most part of the Application's architecture.

For integrations, we used Huddle as our integration partner of choice, for Meetings and Decentralised A/V communication. We also used IPFS and the FVM for total DAO storage, being the best choice in that regard.

We make use of Solidity for our Smart Contracts, all deployed on the Filecoin Virtual Machine.

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