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Team up for this gambit! Choose black or white, vote for moves, and rack up points for your side. Chess with a twist!


Created At


Winner of


Dynamic - $100 and 3 months advanced plan


Dynamic - Most innovative use of frames


frames.js - Best Frame using Frames.js 3rd place

Project Description

Join the ultimate team chess showdown! Pick your side - black or white - and strategise with fellow players. Each round, vote for your team’s move. The most popular choice rules the board. Earn points for your team with each winning move. It’s chess but with a twist! This game is played on frames, so it is very seamless as well!

How it's Made

The tech stack of the project is frames.js with next.js and tailwind CSS. I am using the Pinata Farcaster API to get certain info about the user with their FID, and Pinata frame analytics to analyse users, also the number of people joining each team is determined by it. I am using dynamic to generate wallets for the users on the fly with their emails, I am sending an NFT to the users on base which is a unique NFT for every user which acts as their profile with score in it. This NFT is being updated daily using a cron job.

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