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An NFT based betting platform for chess matches. Players can deploy an NFT linked to their Lichess account, others can then mint that NFT to bet on their matches.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description



An NFT based betting platform for chess matches. Players can deploy an NFT linked to their Lichess account, others can then mint that NFT to bet on their matches.

Minimal Lichess API to get games and check details Chainlink function contract to verify the current match is valid and Betting game contract and Player NFTs deployed on Polygon

How it's Made

This project uses Chainlink functions to check that the ongoing lichess game of a user is valid - if so it opens betting on that game.

It is deployed on polygon mumbai - would have tested zk but chainlink functions only were on mumbai :(

It is built on top of rainbowkit and uses wagmi for some contract interactions.

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