Super Easy SWAP app, even your mom can use! Chat Swap is an intent-based DEX aggregator app, using a natural language prompt interface while not giving up on the best swap pricing (via 1inch Fusion(aggregator) API)
** Two goals of this hack: 1) Bring a seamless & easy user experience by using text-based command interface for ordering swaps and 2) Find & offer the best rates from the DEX aggregator.**
** Goal 1 was accomplished using the ChatGPT AI engine for taking natural language as input and translating that to the system. i.e. Swap my 5 ETH to USDC**
** Goal 2 is accomplished with a 1inch DEX aggregator API to offer users a way to execute swaps without spending gas or risking being front-run.**
We wanted to hack with the newest 1inch Fusion API to get the best aggregated Swaps. However, the Fusion API was down starting Sunday morning 1am and we couldn’t use it (we have all the scripts). So, we reverted to the other 1inch API to get the flow working, but it was tough to do that at the last minute! But we got it to work!