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Introducing the CharityDAO, a voting app leveraging blockchain for transparent allocation of charitable funds. Cast your vote, make a difference!


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

The Charity DAO Voting App is an innovative, blockchain-based platform designed to revolutionize the way charitable funds are distributed. It's a single-page web application built with Typescript, Javascript and React, primarily focusing on enabling users worldwide to participate in the decision-making process of fund allocation for poverty alleviation.

A unique feature of this application is the country selection process. Users are presented with various countries, each represented by a Nouns-DAO style Non-Fungible Token (NFT). Users can select the country they believe should receive charitable funding, thereby actively participating in a democratic decision-making process.

At the heart of the voting mechanism lies the principles of fairness and integrity. Each user is allowed a single vote for their preferred country, and the system is designed to prevent the casting of multiple votes from the same user, thereby eliminating the possibility of vote manipulation. Additionally for each vote users will have chance to donate 5 XRP to their preferred charities from our funding pool.

To ensure that only genuine users are casting their votes, we incorporate Sismo Connect. Sismo Connect is a crypto-native single sign-on (SSO) solution that enables applications to request any data aggregated in a user's Data Vault. It leverages blockchain technology to authenticate users. Before casting a vote, each user is required to authenticate themselves using Sismo Connect, thereby adding an additional layer of security and credibility to the voting process.

The application uses the XRP Ledger (XRPL) for the transfer of charity funds. At the end of the voting period, the application calculates the final results and initiates the fund transfer to the winning country using XRPL. This not only ensures a transparent transfer of funds but also provides a quick, cost-effective solution.

The application is designed with user engagement in mind. It displays the real-time vote count for each country, keeping users informed about the ongoing voting progress. This transparency encourages active participation, fostering a sense of community and involvement in the charitable cause. In summary, the Charity DAO Voting App is a pioneering initiative that leverages the power of blockchain to improve charitable giving. It aims to increase transparency, promote user engagement, enhance security, and streamline the efficiency of fund distribution to countries in need, marking a significant step forward in harnessing technology for social good.

How it's Made

Building the Charity DAO Voting App required a combination of APIs and blockchains with the following components:

Front-end: The front-end of the application was built using Next.js and React, chosen for their speed, efficiency, and ease of use. This provided us with the ability to develop a highly interactive and intuitive user interface. The application was designed with user-friendliness in mind, ensuring that even users unfamiliar with DAOs and blockchain technology can easily navigate and participate in the voting process.

Back-end: The back-end technology is still being finalized based on our team's preferences and project requirements. However, our focus is on ensuring it can handle real-time updates for voting counts, secure user verification via Sismo Connect, and seamless XRPL integration for fund transfers.

Integration with XRPL: We integrated the XRPL (XRP Ledger) for handling the transfer of charity funds. We leveraged XRPL's API and SDKs, allowing us to initiate secure, fast, and cost-effective transactions. The choice of XRPL was motivated by its established reputation in the blockchain space and its proven capability for handling financial transactions.

Sismo Connect for Authentication: The app uses Sismo Connect for user verification. This crypto-native single sign-on (SSO) solution uses blockchain technology to authenticate users, ensuring that only genuine individuals can cast their votes. Incorporating Sismo Connect was crucial to maintaining the integrity and fairness of the voting process.

Country Selection and NFTs: For the country selection, each country is represented by a Nouns-DAO style NFT. This not only adds a unique, visually appealing element to the voting process but also brings the concept of NFTs into a practical, real-world application outside of digital art and collectibles.

Real-time Vote Count: To enable real-time vote counts, we used WebSocket technology. This allows the application to push updates to the user interface instantly as votes come in. It provides users with a dynamic, engaging experience, keeping them informed about the voting progress.

Throughout the process, our key focus remained on creating a secure, user-friendly, and efficient application. The Charity DAO Voting App showcases how blockchain technology, when combined with intuitive UI design and real-time data handling, can revolutionize the charitable fund distribution process.

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