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ChargeMateNouns 46

ChargeMateNouns 46 is a community to Reward for Eco-Friendly Driving

ChargeMateNouns 46

Created At

ETHGlobal Sydney

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Promoting eco-friendly driving practices is crucial for mitigating the impact of transportation on the environment, this can help to mitigating climate impact, reducing air pollution, improving energy efficiency, and encouraging adoption of Electric Vehicles.

A treasury of CMN Token of 1 Billion (ERC20 deployed on both BASE and MANTLE) is created to incentivise safe and sustainable driving.

Here's how it works:

  1. User login with wallet and choose BASE/MANTLE chain
  2. User verify drivers of a car via WorldID then enter their vehicle type (EV, Hybrid or Combustion) and their car registration number
  3. For each trip, starting location is recorded and time.
  4. At the end of the trip, we calculate the route distance and we use the time to avoid cheating.
  5. The Reward = Distance Travelled + Reward Multiplier( EV = 3, Hybrid = 2, Combustion = 1)
  6. An extra 10% will be sent to Nouns community fund created for the project
  7. Chainlink oracle changes the CMN coin price to ETH then the USDT price

For a 15KM trip, targeting token price of USD$0.0`1. We are expecting a $0.30 reward, the incentive is small for other type of viechles.

ChargeMateNouns 46 is a community to Reward for Eco-Friendly Driving, powered by the NounsDAO. The project also uses additional technologies (including Worldcoin, Mantle, Base, Chainlink) to enroll driver, and to empower Eco-Friendly driving.

How it's Made

This project uses multiple blockchains to Empowering Eco-Friendly Driving Practices: (1) Worldcoin ID: to enrol Drivers, and verify their identity. (2) Mantle: to reward for Drivers in $CMN (3) Base: to reward for Drivers in$CMN, and to enable conversion in ChainLink (4) ChainLink: to convert $CMN from Base into $USDT to show rewards (5) NounsDAO: to empower community, as Nounish Public Goods

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