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ChangeDAO is DAO to vote on proposals and reward your participation using FEVM


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Project Description

Welcome to Change Dao! A platform to make proposals that impact your community in a positive way. It stores a backup of the proposals in FEVM, and uploads the metadata of the proposal to IPFS/Filecoin. Plus, it rewards with ChangeDaoReward tokens to the submitters to engage them better and give them more reputation for their contributions using FEVM contracts.

How it's Made

We used React for the front-end app, Node.js for the back-end API. Solidity for the smart contracts. We deployed the DAO in Goerli, the Backup and DAORewards contracts in FEVM Wallaby. Thirdweb connect wallet button and contract templates for the DAO. Ethers.js for the API connectivity. Alchemy for the node. And FEVM Wallaby free node.

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