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ChainTrace leverages blockchain technology to provide an immutable, decentralized record of every step across complex supply chain networks. By tracing items via cryptographic tagging.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

As global supply chains become increasingly complex, they lack critical transparency into the full life cycle of products. Existing attempts to track goods via paper trails or IoT sensors have proven inefficient, cumbersome, and most concerning - susceptible to tampering. Enter ChainTrace - a revolutionary decentralized aplication that provides robust supply chain provenance from origin materials to final delivery utilizing the immutable trust of blockchain technology.

ChainTrace creates a permissionless, permanent record on the flow of goods by cryptographically tagging raw materials, parts, and finished products as they progress through a supply chain network. Smart contracts verify the authenticity and custody transfer of goods as they arrive and leave locations like factories, warehouses, ports, and stores. Oracles connect off-chain data from GPS trackers, shipping manifests, and more to on-chain events, preventing tampering with real-world supply chain activities. The result is an auditable, real-time system of record showing where items originated, components used, facilities visited, who handled goods, shipping routes taken, and final delivery confirmation.

This end-to-end transparency has profound implications for restoring trust and accountability across global trade. Consumers can validate claims around sourcing and sustainability. Brands can instantly detect issues like counterfeits infiltrating stock to protect corporate reputation. Every player, from raw material vendors to last-mile couriers, feels accountability to execute properly when activities are permanently etched into ChainTrace's decentralized blockchain. Truly from farm, factory or mine to store shelf, ChainTrace illuminates each interaction.

And visibility enables action. The data permanently logged on ChainTrace allows supply chain partners to identify inefficiencies and environmentally wasteful activities that paper trails obfuscate. Shipping companies can optimize routes by seeing del


How it's Made

Main challenge we faced was to integrate sponsors and to deploy the contract

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