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"Crowdfunding Smart Contract on Ethereum - A decentralized fundraising solution enabling contributors to support projects. Secure, transparent, and automated. Set goals, track contributions, and ensure refunds if goals aren't met. #Blockchain #SmartContracts #Crowdfunding"


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Circuit Breaker

Project Description

The Crowdfunding Smart Contract on the Ethereum blockchain revolutionizes fundraising by providing a decentralized, transparent, and automated platform. Project creators can set funding goals and deadlines, while contributors can securely and trustlessly support initiatives. The contract monitors contributions, ensuring that the set goal is met by the specified deadline. If the goal is not reached, contributors can effortlessly claim refunds. This smart contract leverages the power of blockchain to create a reliable and efficient crowdfunding mechanism, fostering trust and accountability in the fundraising process. #Blockchain #SmartContracts #Crowdfunding

How it's Made

The Crowdfunding Smart Contract is implemented using Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The contract utilizes the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for execution.

Here's a breakdown of key components:

Variables and State:

The contract has state variables such as owner, goal, and deadline to store essential information. A mapping (contributions) is used to track the contributions from each address. Modifiers:

onlyOwner: Restricts certain functions to be callable only by the contract owner. afterDeadline: Ensures that specific actions can only be performed after the specified deadline. goalNotReached: Enforces conditions based on whether the funding goal has been reached. Constructor:

Sets the contract owner, funding goal, and deadline when the contract is deployed. Contribution Function:

contribute(): Allows contributors to send funds to the contract. Checks are in place to ensure the deadline has not passed and that the contribution does not exceed the goal. Goal Check Function:

checkGoalReached(): Checks whether the funding goal has been reached after the deadline. If the goal is reached, it triggers the GoalReached event; otherwise, contributors can claim refunds. Refund Functionality:

refundContributors(): Allows contributors to claim a refund if the goal is not met. Refunds are proportional to individual contributions. Withdraw Function:

withdrawFunds(): Permits the contract owner to withdraw funds if the goal has been reached after the deadline. Events:

ContributionReceived, GoalReached, and RefundSent: Emit events to log key interactions on the blockchain, providing transparency and traceability. The contract leverages the Ethereum blockchain's decentralized nature, ensuring that it operates in a trustless and secure environment. Developers deploy such contracts to the Ethereum network using tools like Remix or Truffle, and users interact with them through decentralized applications (DApps) or directly using Ethereum wallets. The code defines the logic and rules governing the crowdfunding process, executing autonomously once deployed on the blockchain.

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