DApp for secretly storing testaments and automatically execute last will
The DApp allows users to deploy smart contracts on the Fhenix testnet and specify a list of heirs and which percentages of which token they will inherit. Tokens can be both TEth, generic ERC-20 tokens and NFTs. All the information (hiers, tokens and percentages) will be stored on chain encrytped, so they will be secret as long as the testator is alive. When the testator/deployer will declared dead whoever will be able to trigger the contract and distribute the inheritance. As possible strategies for the proof of death we considered TLSNotary or simply a mechanism that automatically marks the testator as dead after a certain amount of time if he/she doesn't recurrently call a contract's method.
The project mainly leverages on Fhenix's FHE (Fully Homomorphic Encryption) for storing secrets on-chain and then acting on them. In particular the web interface is developed using Vue, Ether.js, Fhenix.js Instead the contracts are tested and deployed using Hardhat.
Main smart contract: https://github.com/AdCazzum/cavoletto/blob/master/onchain/contracts/InheritanceManager.sol Main interaction with the frontend: https://github.com/AdCazzum/cavoletto/blob/4c628e383885e878ba485758abbf4ba3d928bbdd/frontend/fhenix-nuxt3-template-master/pages/extra-page.vue#L82