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An RPC cache for 10x faster requests. Save time, money, and the environment!


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy


🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize


🌱 Celo — Climate, ReFi


🧱 Taiko — 🥈 Best Infrastructure


4️⃣ Linea — Best Use

Project Description

We hit Ethereum nodes thousands of times a day. Some functions take seconds to resolve, yet they are immutable. If the result is immutable, why do we ever recompute it?

Now we don't!

Catch is a global RPC cache for the entire world to use EVM Chains faster.

This saves time, cost, and the environment! Anyone can use this today because it's proxy to your existing RPC node. It saves you time by serving up cached results when a query has already been seen. Not only time, but you also save money by not using up Alchem/Infura credits. Last but not least, this is better for the environment because it removes unnecessary computation and hardware usage for Ethereum nodes!

How it's Made

This project was done with Next.js API routes which allow global serverless deployments to increase/decrease with demand. This is fast because a centralized server would be slow for users worldwide. The cache is currently in-memory (with plans to move to Redis soon), and the codebase was made with TypeScript.

I used Ethers.js to decode transactions but otherwise, the code is custom and homemade for the unique requirements of this project

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