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A bot to remove old casts. Cast older than say one week are more often than not irrelevant. Clean them automatically


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

This project is a script to remove old casts. It uses the Typescript interface for Farcaster Hubs to list all casts and delete those which are older than 7 days. It would to run say every day through a cron job for example. The project is unfinished, the user needs to enter the mnemonic pass phrase for its farcaster account in an environment file and run the script. A UI with a auth screen to log in to farcaster and get a signer key is missing, I did not have time to implement this UI nor the scheduling to regularly run the script.

How it's Made

It uses the Typescript interface for Farcaster Hubs @farcaster/hub-nodejs to list all casts and delete those which are more are older than 7 days. The project is a fork from the repo Environment variables are grouped in an env file but again a UI would need to handle those especially through an auth screen to farcaster.

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