Cash dApp

P2P Micropayments app, with private transfers and web2 experiance

Cash dApp

Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Project Description

Cash dApp is a payment app that is similar to CashApp for simple P2P payments, and improves on Daimo's UX by making onchain transactions private when between users of CashDapp. We try to be as user friendly as possible, while having its transactions reasonably private enough for most users.

How it's Made

Using USDC and Circles' CCIP deposits and withdrawals can be accepted on all networks that CCIP supports. We leverage Inco's FHE tech by keeping user balances inside a contract that allows token transfers with encrypted transfer amounts. Utilizing stealth addresses, like the solution that that FluidKey offers we can help hide some correlation between token recipients and senders. AA and paymaster services are then used to abstract away gas or the need to use a traditional crypto wallet - so users are have an experience they would expect with any P2P payments app that exists in the legacy finance industry.

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