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Revolutionizing the RWA Financing market through P2P Secured Lending using smart contract technology and asset tokenization using NFTs.

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Our product is a defi dapp that can be used by people for investing in safe assets as well as get access to credit in a seamleass manner. Below are the problems in the current system and the reasons why can help make the lives of millions of users easier.

The Problems with Traditional Finance

  1. Monopoly of Banks - When it comes to financing any asset acquisition or providing loans, banks have always been the first choice, even though their operational ethos may be flawed.
  2. Lack of transparency in the process - There is a lot of hidden information that banks and traditional lenders choose to hide from their customers to benefit themselves.
  3. Hidden charges - Charges are applied at the last moment or even deducted without the customer's consent in some cases and absurd excuses are provided to defend their acts.
  4. Additional fees for switching services - An additional fee is levied if you decide to go to some other lender, to compel or force you to stay with them.
  5. Underserving the financially weaker sections of society - Financially weaker sections of society are generally not served and credit is not provided.


A unique proposition that provides the security of traditional loans backed by real-world assets along with the flexibility of P2P Loans to serve the credit needs of the financially weaker sections of society. casa fi has many benefits, a few of which are mentioned below:

  1. Instant disbursement of credit
  2. Lenders can be institutions, DAOs, or even individuals
  3. Borrowers can be institutions, DAOs, or individuals
  4. Loans backed by real-world assets
  5. Marketplace for loans so that interest rates are competitive
  6. KYC done through Annon SDK
  7. Reliability and security of blockchain technology.
  8. Unlocking liquidity and global access along with smart automation

Through anyone can easily get financed by mortgaging their assets and also provides a much safer alternative than P2P unsecured loans.


How it's Made

We found numerous challenges while building our project. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Due to the complex nature of the project, testing out smart contracts was a big challenge and to do it via remix was a big pain point. Fortunately, later, we were able to write some scripts to test out the smart contracts.
  2. EMI Calculation formula was tough to implement since solidity doesn't support decimals.
  3. We initially wanted to implement the Safe SDK but due to time constraints and complexity, we had to abandon the idea.
  4. PUSH notifications bugs, we found some bugs with PUSH notifications on the mobile app and reported them to the team. We also reported that the documentation could've been better written.
  5. Chainlink Automation registration is done by us on the smart contract, however, we were unable to see the upkeeps on our dashboard. Due to events emitted by our smart contracts, we were able to finally observe the automation logic in action.
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