Electronic medical records management for patients traveling to international locations for medical procedure and doctors to perform global healthcare analysis.
ETH Global Hackathon
CP Use case Persona
Patient : Person / family who needs surgery or medical care that is either not available in their country or is not accessible due insurance / cost or any other limitation. Local Doctor / Medical consultant : Reviews the patients case documents and based on the context of the case refer the patient to an international Doctor / Hospital. International Doctor / Hospital: Reviews the patients case documents and plans the care plan accordingly. Postoperative care communicates with Local Doctor / Local medical care provider. Agent : Agents for commission will provide Patients with logistical and communication support to connect to one or more international doctors and hospitals. Common Medical Reports
Lab reports X-rays MRI CT Scan HLA report etc… These reports are done multiple times
Locally done
Pre Procedure at the international location
Post Procedure at the international location
Postoperative care reports done locally
Uses Safe AA, Sismo - quick summery in the data provider implementation getPatientsByDiagnoses() takes a Diagnosis as a string as an argument and returns all the addresses of the patents with that Diagnosis and the group-generator part makes a group with those addresses., Lighthouse (Filecoin)