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Demo of a Carbon Market where people can trade carbon credits and the credits are verified by validator who can gain capital if they can prove that the institution emitting credits don't deliver their promised carbon offset


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ UMA - Best Use

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project uses the technology of UMA and is deployed in Scroll Testnet. Basically, the project is about making the Carbon Credit market more transparent. The market contains three agents: The institution (issuer of credit), the clients (entities who want to buy credit), and the auditor (or validator who evaluates the final status of the project). In the beginning, the issuer will emit a number of credits (a promise that they can save a quantity of carbon emissions) for clients to buy. The clients bear a risk that the issuer cannot fulfill their promise, and the credit is burned (not valid). The validator has the role of asserting the market and taking the prize if they do it correctly. Using the optimistic Oracle of UMA, we can verify the statement of the validator. Validators can register as validators for this market and add evidence for their statement together and share the reward. For simplicity, the validator has two options only: The institution (issuer) fulfills their promise or does not fulfill their promise. The concept is quite similar to the Prediction Market tutorial, but some business logics are changed. Instead of two parties betting on the result and taking the money from each other, the validator collects the prize from the issuer for helping them audit the credits.

How it's Made

This project uses UMA Optimistic Oracle V3. I deployed it on Scroll Testnet. My project only uses UMA tech stack and build logics from their tutorial. They are the black bone of my project. I tried to deploy it on Scroll Testnet. I'm not so sure if it is harder than sepolia testnet since it is the first time I deploy a project to a testnet but the experience is quite pleasant. Some errors were along the way but the team is supportive and help me find the resources

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