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Caramel - CRML

Unlock the power of your .eth domain starting with a blog in just a few clicks

Caramel - CRML

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🕷 ENS — Nick

Project Description

Our team believes very much in decentralization, freedom of speech and censorship resistance.

Most communication and user-generated content platforms are centralized and susceptible to censorship. Web3 gives us the opportunity to change that by using our .eth domains.

Currently most .eth domains are being used to remember someone’s Ethereum address for easy transactions, as Twitter and other social media handles, but they’re so much more.

Be it a blog post, message, tweet, NFT collection, etc. we can unlock full ownership, control & share-ability of user-generated content, social connections & digital assets.

We’re hoping to unlock some of those possibilities with Caramel.

How it's Made

Static open-sourced decentralized dApp hosted using IPFS. No centralized backend servers.

We’re using IPFS, Ethereum blockchain, ENS, and EPNS services to enable publishing posts, setting up ENS domains, and notifying users about published content. Creators can create their own channel using EPNS to which their followers can subscribe with their Metamask.

Tech stack:

  • Static React dApp
  • Ethereum blockchain (runs in Goerli / Kovan testnet for development)
  • ENS
  • EPNS

High-level architectural diagram

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