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Cara IP

Let your imagination flow and your creativity go, with the power of AI and IP

Cara IP

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Winner of

Story - Best AI Application on Story 3rd place

Project Description

In the world of AI, we want to make sure artist feel empowered to be their creative selfs. Cara is ment as a playground, where you can upload your photographs or any image, and with words edit it in any way you want. At the same time, each piece or art is being tracker by Mentaport off chain and is being registered as an IP to Story protocol. This combination is very powerful because if you find an image in the web2 land, now you can edit it with Cara and automatically Cara will detect the owner and allow you to create a new IP but with the incredible add-on of derivatives from Story.

How it's Made

The project was broken into three main parts. Part 1: Gen AI:

  • mount model to edit images through pictures. The model is being mounted and tuned through Replicate

Part 2: Story:

  • once I had the model generating multiple derivatives from one image depending the prop, it was time to connect to Story
  • every art piece gets minted as an NFT and also as an IP asset.
  • ability to deploy derivatives as we detect them coming in from web2.

Part 3: Mentaport

  • Connected Story and Mentaport so when we find an image anywhere, we can decode the IP and make sure its being used the right way.
  • when a work that has already been published get upload in the platform, we inform the user and allow them to continue as a derivative work.
  • when the user creates the new registration, it will be registered as a derivative.

Part 4: Dynamic:

  • Once all the technical stuff was done, I connected dynamic login + wallets to make it easy for users lo log in and start creating IP registrations!
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