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Investment app with DCA strategy on DEXes with AI Crypto Advisor.


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Project Description

Investment app with DCA (Dollar Cost Average) strategy on DEXes powered by Chainlink Automation and AI Finance Advisor with crypto knowledge, which can help people to understand what tokens they're buying, what this token is doing and how this project is working. Choosing the best price for swap monitoring all DEXes liquidity pool. Working on L2 blockchains which makes investment more profitable with less fees.

Features: Fiat onramp, Selecting a time range when (hour, day, week, month) and how much money per transaction user wants to invest,Portfolio dashboard.

Future upgrades can include: Social investing, p2p deals, NFT, Staking, Connection to DeFi pool, Lending, DeFi investment strategies, follow invest of other crypto investors and VC

How it's Made

Users can link to the web3 wallet through the webpage and purchase USDC stablecoins on metamask. According to the chatGPT consulting service provided by the webpage, users can choose to exchange ERC20 tokens for transactions.

  • Users only need to deposit USDC into the swap smart contract address of the token they want to exchange;
  • User enters the USDC amount to be exchanged and confirms the transaction; The smart contract will automatically help users exchange the tokens they want in the background and send them to their web3 wallet;
  • Chainlink Automation

Note: 1. The currencies that the SWAP contract mainly supports USDC exchange include: WLD, WBTC, LDO, LINK, SMATIC, SNX; The transaction fee is 0.3%; To exchange, use the uniswap single swap code to call;

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