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An order book-based decentralised e-commerce store. Buyers set the price, seller match prices


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Project Description

BuyerBazaar, a decentralized ecommerce platform. Buyers set prices, transparent order book system eliminates SEO tricks. Efficient price matching, real-time updates. Native token facilitates transactions and rewards good behavior (Not implemented).

Problem: In our experience using eBay and Amazon as sellers we have found that there is lack of transparency regarding product ranking Sellers have to spend a lot of time on SEO and making listings perfect. Sellers also have to pay a lot to the platform in promotion to bump their listing up This means eCommerce platforms have most of the advantages and control.

Solution: Our intuition is that most of the time Buyers just want to buy an item at the lowest price So we have decided to let Buyers set the price And we have removed the burden of SEO from the Sellers All Sellers have to do is match the prices in the Orderbook The reason we want to use Smart Contracts for this interaction between Buyers and Sellers is because it is open and visible There is no blackbox. Buyers and Sellers know exactly what they need to do in order to win the bids.

BuyerBazaar is meant to be a combination of Web2 and Web3. We are only interested in finding parts of the Web that participants would want to be transparent. Not eveything needs to be anonymous or fully decentralised.

Price Discovery: This system provides a good way for price discovery. Customers themselves declare the price they are willing to pay for a product, which can give the seller a fair idea about the market demand and valuation for their product.

Potential for Better Deals: If there is less demand for a product, customers could potentially purchase products at a lower price than the market rate. Conversely, if the product is in high demand, sellers could get more than their initial asking price.

Decentralization and Transparency: As with other blockchain-based systems, this approach would offer transparency and immutability. Every offer would be visible to all participants, making the process fair and open.

Automation and Trustlessness: Smart contracts would automate the auction process, minimizing the need for intermediaries and eliminating the chances of manipulation or fraud.

How it's Made

  • eth-scaffold as boilerplate
  • Frontend is made with Nextjs and Tailwindcss
  • Smart Contracts are in solidity and tested using hardhat and remix
  • Factory contract is deployed at:
  • we use chainlink feeds for converting prices to USD in the smart contracts
  • we use Ethereum Attestation Service for creating evidence of product sale
  • Main contract files: app/packages/hardhat/Product.sol app/packages/hardhat/ProductFactory.sol
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