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Buy Me A Coffee

Add buy me a coffee support to your website without any KYC or registration!

Buy Me A Coffee

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

The purpose of this dApp is to allow users to integrate buy me a coffee support for their projects without having to go through PayPayl registration, KYC or other complicated processes. Accepting donations from users should be instant. Scroll buy me a coffee is a smart contract that allows users to donate money straight to the smart contract. The owner can withdraw it instantly whenever he needs to.


How it's Made

The Scroll Sepolia testnet is a little slow to create blocks because of which we had to wait for a decent amount of time for the funds to be bridged from Ethereum Sepolia to Scroll Sepolia. The same happened for the smart contract deployment as well.

Moreover, the docs didn't have instructions on how to add Scroll to Metamask, we had to search online on how to do that.

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