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Build Villager

An interface to write community benefits into intellectual patent acquisitions

Build Villager

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

Mint projects on Story that allow the use of derivatives access to rights within a community. One use case is if I write a novel and mint intellectual copyright on Story, I can allow some parts of the novel to be editable by the reader and others to be uneditable. I can also add multimedia patents such as music to add to the experience of the novel. Token holders of the parent novel and its derivatives can use those tokens to gain access to community events such as concerts, healthcare, and other benefits.

How it's Made

Story's Proof of Creativity Protocol would be the origination and host of the parent intellectual properties. Then write the benefits into the individual copyrights during the minting. The ERC-20 tokens could have unique properties allowing easy access for downstream benefit recognition. The project gives token holders access to a community called Villager.

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