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Simple USD and USDC payments & USDC balance interest accrual powered by DeFi


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

This is a USD payments app for everyone with web3 features for the crypto cohort. Pay with USD or pay with your onchain balance. Earn interest powered by DeFi.

See a checklist of features I was able to complete in the github repo readme.

Buckslinger is a mobile app like Venmo that allows users to pay each other with USD or USDC. Users can convert their USD to USDC (or vice versa) and earn interest using DeFi in a few taps. I wanted it to support Ethereum and multiple L2s but to start only Base. Users should be able to send payments using their bank account or their already onchain USDC balance. I want to abstract away all of the transactions that a user would need to do like payments, or bridging across chains. I want to set up passkey based wallets. I want to make the crypto aspect a background feature so non-crypto users won't be intimidated by it.

How it's Made

  • Circle APIs (sandbox)
  • Web3auth
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Hardhat + Solidity
  • Web3.js
  • Base Sepolia Testnet
  • Progressive web app

The app is a prototype so far that uses sandbox, testnets, and mock APIs. The Circle APIs were much more restrictive than I anticipated. The web3auth APIs were great and got my auth up and running very quickly. The quickstart code for web3auth was very helpful.

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