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A DApp that helps Web3 projects test their tokenomics by combining the best of web3 and mathematical modeling


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Project Description

This project is a validation tool to provide insights about tokenomics strategies. We leverage the use of mathematical modeling present on academic papers and community models to create the backbone of our solution: pybrownomics ( Based on pybrownomics, we implemented a simple-to-use UI designed for the base blockchain. We have a dashboard page where users can interact with the application to start simulating strategies based on a list of model parameters.

How it's Made

For this hackathon, we implemented a simple model based on this paper (, and we kept the processing efforts to a minimum to avoid having to use background jobs, which could delay our submission in the hackathon. Based on pybrownomics, we implemented a simple-to-use UI, using next + ts + thirdweb + vercel, designed for the base blockchain. We have a dashboard page where users can interact with the application to start simulating strategies based on a list of model parameters. Our core simulation service was made in Python with fastapi (deployed with elastic beanstalk). We implemented a simple revenue model where users can buy models created by our application to start testing their tokenomics strategies. . We are proud to announce that we open-sourced pybrownomics to assist early-stage token projects as well as to raise awareness about the use of financial modeling as a valid and concrete tool for assessing token distribution and tokenomics strategies

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