
BraineumVerse is the mapping of the real world into the mind-space of a pseudo-AI called Braineum to simplify life and its interactions.


Created At

HackFS 2021

Winner of

Protocol Labs

Protocol Labs Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project is about creating a world where users don't need to know about all of the complexities of crypto. A pseudo AI over time can learn how to make all these human-based transactions using smart contracts and other technologies. Post hackathon this project can be continued to create a decentralized social media platform that is fully plugged into the crypto, blockchain and decentralized file storage ecosystems.

How it's Made

This project is mainly a react app with an interface for navigating the BraineumVerse. Since this hackathon was about the storage layer more emphasis was placed there in learning about IPFS, Filecoin, and Minty was used to create a sample NFT but that will be explored in greater detail after the hackathon. The frontend references assets. IPFS was also tested.

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