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FEVM NFT Minting service for customers who have purchased handmade works


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Project Description

It aims to mint NFT for customers who have purchased handmade works and provide them with an opportunity to participate in their own community (DAO) later or to purchase new products at a low price. This MVP is with the inspiration of a friend writer who makes bracelets. It operates on the filecoin wallaby testnet.

How it's Made

Using hardhat (ref. FEVM-Hardhat-Kit) NFT contract based on ERC-721 was tested and distributed to the filecoin wallaby testnet. A process of connecting with wallet, minting NFT, and rendering information at the front-end based on next.js is implemented. In addition, while linking the contract, there was an issue of 'Cannot invoke EXTCODESIZE for non-EVM actor', which was resolved by referring to

Deployed Address : 0xace0f315102f256103E71B12C4e560fA80840615

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