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Bowled - File Store

Bowled is a cricket team management game. As the owner of the team, the user needs to set strategies to win games against other players.

Bowled - File Store

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Project Description

The user joins as the owner of a T20 cricket franchise. The club is provided with a team of 12 players, a stadium, a scout, and training facilities. The manager can set match lineups, set training strategies, buy or sell players in the auction, and manage finances. The match engine simulates the game ball by ball based on a probability distribution.

How it's Made

When the user joins, a team of 12 player cards is created for the user. Team info, player info are encrypted and stored on IPFS. Game commentary data, player attributes should be visible to the team manager only. This can be done with role based access of IPFS. The application aims use FVM for access management.

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