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All-in-one crypto rewards & incentives platform that scale with your business


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

🔟 Spheron — Top 10 project

Project Description


COVID has changed learning forever. There is a paradigm shift in the way people learnt pre and post COVID, there is high growth and adoption in Education Technology. We are experiencing an unplanned and rapid migration to online learning. A huge number of people started joining online courses to reskill and upskill.

It is clear that this pandemic has utterly disrupted the way we learn. It had both positive and negative impacts. There was a terrible disconnect between the enrollment rate and completion rate which questioned the impact of online learning.

Problem Statement:

Learner's drop out rate is up by 67 % with most of them leaving due to a lack of Motivation and engaging content. We need to fix this problem by focusing on ways to Motivate the users ,Personalise and Reward their learning journey.

Mission Statement:

To build an Platform (Bountyz) to reskill and upskill the learning community across the globe. Bountyz makes them more productive and efficient by providing personalized content, learning pathways with AI-driven recommendations (future roadmap) and by using LTEM (Learning-Transfer Evaluation / Kirk Patricks Model) to increase ROI on learners journey . Bountyz Incentivizes learners by streaming rewards when a certain milestone is achieved.

Our solution:

We created a dApp that can connect Sponsor and Learner together to achieve learning goals, that can create business impact for the organization. Sponsor can signup, onboard learners, create courses, create assessments (questions uploaded to IPFS) assign reward for courses. Learner can learn the courses, take assessment (questions dynamically rendered from IPFS), receive proof of milestone NFTs (minting using NFTPort) and earn rewards in USDCx super token. Learner can unwrap the token to stable coin and withdraw to their exchange account.

How it's Made


Bountyz-core - Smart contracts incorporating business logics

Bountyz - Next.js/TypeScript based frontend dApp

SuperFluid - For real time streaming rewards based on Programmable Cashflows

Web3Auth - Hassfle free on-board of Web2/Web3 users

Polygon* - Easy, Cheap and quickest L2 solution for deploying contracts

IPFS* - protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system

Web3 storage* - For distributed storage and content addressing via simple client libraries or an HTTP API (Implemented to store and render assessment questions)

NFTPort* APIs - One-Stop & Simple NFT Infrastructure & APIs for Developers Technologies (Implemented to mint proof of Milestone NFTs)

UI - Next.js, React, HTML/Tailwind CSS

Smart Contracts - Solidity, USDCx/USD contract/ABI from Mumbai testnet

Backend - TypeScript

Testnet - Mumbai Polygon, Ethereum Rinkeby

Tools - Truffle, Remix, Metamask, Google Profile OAuth

CI/CD - ArgoApp/Spheron* Aqua Protocol

Art Design - Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator

Valist - Product Publishing Platform

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