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BorrowFi is an aggregator that lets you borrow at the best rates possible


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy

Prize Pool

The Graph

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Prize Pool


🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Aave Grants DAO

🥉 AAVE Grants DAO — Best Use

Project Description

Many lending protocols in the DeFi ecosystem share common features (they all have rates, and involve collateralization and liquidation), and yet there is no standard that is used. We proposed a new EIP-6882 standard to address this issue and created an aggregator dapp that finds the best rates from the integrated pool. This enables users to leverage different protocols without having to search for the best rates and will massively improve the experience of borrowing assets from DeFi.

How it's Made

We first created a new standard that can be used to wrap lending/borrowing protocols to normalize their contract methods. Then we used this to wrap around existing lending pools like Aave V3 and Curve. Finally, with our aggregator contract, our dapp could query for the best rates and trigger calls to borrow at those rates.

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