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An innovative peer-to-peer platform connecting bibliophiles, facilitating the seamless exchange of pre-loved books.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Frequently, a physical book finds itself relegated to its owner's bookshelf after being read. While the original reader may no longer derive utility from it, the book holds immense value for someone eager to explore its contents. Through the exchange of used books, the second person not only economizes on the expense of acquiring a new book but also contributes to reducing the demand for freshly printed copies. Our objective is to foster connections among such users, promoting knowledge-sharing and environmental sustainability simultaneously.

Harnessing the power of blockchain, our solution establishes a trustless environment, empowering users to engage freely in this book exchange, ensuring transparency and security in every transaction.


How it's Made

We encountered several challenges, with the most significant one revolving around our inability to deploy and verify smart contracts on the Scrollscan Sepolia testnet. Initially, I sought answers by extensively searching online, but my efforts yielded no results. Undeterred, after making multiple visits to the Scroll booth and investing several hours in focused work, I eventually pinpointed the root cause of the issue and successfully implemented a solution. The issue was with the npm dependencies required for deploying and verifying the smart contract. It took a while for us to arrive at the right cause of the issue.

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