Book lending is easy, do you want to have a copy of your favorite book? You can have a verified copy, and with a completion badge, you can easily lend it to someone without worrying about losing it or having the pages damaged.
This project focuses on ownership and validation of book lending and donation. We focus on verifying the ownership and usage of the books attached to the ceramics using the book or memberships as a NFT using gamification to give POAPS to the user rewarding the habit of reading and lending, we want to encourage users to donate books to the archive we use soulbound token to give special attributes to memberships and books, This way publishers can easily give or revoke memberships and make some batches of books freely available or just lend this copy of books for NGO's to raise funds we want to use Ceramic to personalize user and publisher data and give an extra like a ledger or history of book owners that would give more value like imagine you read Fahrenheit and the same batch Vitalik does or you have a special edition that was owned by George R. R. Martin.
We use ceramic profile for identities attached to a custom data model using as a database like AWS or firebase and we use magic to make the experience easier to non web3 people or people with zero knowledge also you can use multiple providers to login if you are a cryptography enthusiast, we serve web3storage books for this demo we use pdf, but our main goal is to make efficient use of OCR based image to maintain the security of books and avoid fraud and book thief, We will launch smart contract in polygon network to take advantage of layer 2 solutions and reduce gas prices and other costs, members and books are using as NFT and last but not least POAP to give some incentives for users for reading loan or donate a book and unlock special items.