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Blockchain SyncTool

State synchronization for web3 - propagate updates in your smart contract from one blockchain to another to keep them all in sync.

Blockchain SyncTool

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

As more contracts and dApps are deployed to multiple blockchains, a recurring problem is that each instance of an application doesn't know about the others. This should be solved through intelligent state synchronization across blockchains. This is now possible using decentralized consensus.

This project consists of smart contracts capable of performing this synchronization through message passing and a front-end demonstrating this with two twinned ERC-20 tokens (synchronization could happen on ANY type of contract)

How it's Made

This project consists of smart contracts (ERC-20s using a modified OpenZeppelin Contract) deployed to Polygon Mumbai and Optimistic Goerli that support state synchronization. Changes made to either of the twinned contracts on either blockchain are propagated to the destination blockchain via use of the Axelar Network. This project also includes a web front-end visible at

The entire project was built on the boilerplate from

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