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An AI based smart contract auditor for assuring quality and ensuring security to Arbitrum


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

As the number of protocols on blockchain networks increases, so does the volume of smart contracts, inherently escalating the risk of vulnerabilities. This surge underscores the critical need for accessible smart contract auditing. The traditional approach to smart contract auditing is often tedious, involving extensive paperwork, lengthy timelines, and considerable expense, posing a significant barrier for emerging Web3 startups. Envision a platform that streamlines this entire process: eliminating the need for paperwork, offering services at an accessible price point, and delivering results in just five minutes. Such a platform can make auditing smoother, faster, and more accessible for a vast array of developers and organizations, thereby fostering innovation and security in the blockchain space.


How it's Made

With the given time constraints building an AI which was capable of auditing smart contracts was a very big challenge

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