Ride sharing but for blobs. Make blobspace more affordable for everyone. by combining tiny blobs that don't fill a full EIP-4844 blob into one
Prize Pool
One month ago, Dencun went live and brought us EIP-4844 and blobs.
The problem is: You always have to submit a full 128KB blob. If you have less data, then you still need to submit 128KB. This takes up unnecessary space and costs a lot of money.
Just imagine wanting to take a bus to another city β it would just be outrageous if some law forced bus companies to only accept one guest, and then let them pay for the whole bus. The whole point of them is to pool rides.
The current state of Ethereum is like that outrageous law. You have to use the full bus, even if you'd actually need less.
BlobFusion enables you to share blobs with other people by packing smaller blobs into one normal blob. This is to maximize blobspace efficiency (=good for the network) and cost (=good for the user).
The backend uses Node.js/Express/Typescript in combination with Postgres and Prisma as an ORM. The blob transactions are currently posted to Sepolia, and deposits are made using Arbitrum Sepolia to save tx costs.
The server is made of the following parts:
The frontend is a standard Next.js/React app with Tailwind, shadcn/ui, wagmi/viem, and react-query.