
Interactive betting platform where users can bet on hackathon projects.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

1inch - Innovate with 1inch's ERC20 Token Plugins 1st place

Airdao - Telegram Bot Integration for AirDAO 2nd place

Airdao - Prediction Market on AirDAO 3rd place

Flow - Best DeFi App on Flow

Pyth Network - Most Innovative use of Pyth Entropy

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

BetOnBuild is an engaging betting platform where users can place wagers on projects developed by hackers during a hackathon. The app features a slot machine game that randomly displays three projects, enabling users to bet on the one they believe will become a finalist. Players pay a small fee to participate and can explore various projects created by the hackers. Once the finalists are announced, the prize pool is distributed among those who correctly predicted the winning team. Notably, 50% of the prize money is allocated to charities, while the remaining 50% is shared among the users who placed successful bets.

How it's Made

We built the frontend using the React framework, while the backend is powered by MongoDB for data management. The smart contracts were developed, tested, and deployed using Foundry and Solidity.

We have also deployed our project on Linea, Flow and Morph using the Dynamic wallet.

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