
Engage in fair, competitive football match betting with your friends publicly on social media.”


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Lens Protocol - Best Smart Post 1st Place

Project Description

Soccer fans worldwide seek more entertainment on social media, and our project enables them to enhance their experience by placing bets on their favorite teams directly within social media posts. Users can initiate a bet on a football team for which they own a Chiliz fan token, selecting an upcoming scheduled match. They set the bet amount in USD, and other users with fan tokens of the opposing team can join by contributing an equal amount. All participants stake their money in a pool, but just before the match begins, an equal number of players on each side are determined. Any excess players on the larger side receive a refund. The match result is then processed through a smart contract, which holds the money and distributes prizes to the winning side. This innovative approach to betting eliminates the need for a traditional bookmaker, fostering a social experience where users can engage in friendly competition, bet publicly, and have fun on social media.

How it's Made

In the development of this project, we seamlessly integrated four key partners. Firstly, we harnessed Lens Open Actions, enabling social media users to initiate and join bets directly within their social media posts. This integration ensures a user-friendly experience, with the logic efficiently managed by the social graph rather than the individual client app.

The Lens Open Actions contract interfaces with BetMaker, overseeing crucial functions such as managing money deposits, registering bets, and executing bet transactions. This collaborative setup streamlines the betting process, guaranteeing a smooth and secure experience for users.

To provide accurate and timely information on football matches, we incorporated Chainlink functions connected to This integration empowers bet creators to select future matches while imposing restrictions on joiners to prevent entry after the game has commenced. The BetMaker game establishes a token-gated experience, where participants can only initiate or join bets for teams they support through Chiliz fan tokens. This fosters genuine support for the chosen team. It's noteworthy that Chiliz fan tokens operate on the Chiliz blockchain, while Lens SocialGraph resides on Polygon.

To seamlessly and securely token-gate the bets using Chiliz fan tokens, the frontend connects to the Chiliz chain and reads the user's fan token balance. This ensures that participants can only engage in bets for teams they support. Go get those fan tokens to unlock more games with betmakers all around the world.

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