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We make investing great again. Our product enables the average investor who is overwhelmed by web3, providing them a 'at home' feel while keeping all the decentralised goodness.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

1inch Network - Enhance your app with 1inch Developer Portal APIs 3rd place

Project Description

  • The goal of this idea is to give a simple investing experience on mobile using Account Abstraction, for simple retail users who don't want to deal with web3 complexities, but also want custody of their own assets.
  • The target market for such apps are either people who don't know much about blockchain but want to invest in crypto, or folks who just don't have much time to manage their regular investments.
  • Decentralised Investing Apps with Account Abstraction gives all their users a slick, easy to use app that saves time and effort while not compromising on self custody or transparency.

How it's Made

  • APIs Unavailable on Swift: Had to make do with limited support for web3 and available on swift, and had to write custom code for some
  • 1inch Unavailable on Test Net: ended up working and testing on the base mainnet instead of the testnet.
  • Implementing Aadhaar for Anonymity: Researched extensively, reached out to relevant communities for guidance. Ended up finding out that although possible in native swift, it was not feasible to implement in the time frame of the hackathon.
  • Iterative Design Refinements: Our first iteration of the app wasn't that good. Since design and UX was a major part of our products experience we conducted user testing, gathered feedback, and made incremental improvements to make onboarding as frictionless as possible and using the app as intuitive as possible.
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