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a Minipay-based on-chain funding platform for donors to fund African educational initiatives


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Project Description

So many people are willing to fund education in Africa, but they end up working with organizations that lack proper granting systems. Other groups that fund African education take too long to make payouts. The main problems are related to goverance, access, and processing speeds for payouts. Inspired by these problems, welcome "bekwest" - a Minipay-based on-chain funding platform for donors to fund African educational initiatives. Here is how the platform works:

  1. A [Donor] creates an account.
  2. The [Donor] funds and creates a [Donation].
  3. An [Applicant] creates an account.
  4. An [Applicant] makes an [Application] for the [Donation].
  5. The [Donor] reviews the [Application] for the [Donation] and approves it.
  6. A [Voter] creates an account.
  7. A [Voter] casts their [Vote] by choosing the [Application], and the [Results] of the [Donation] are updated.
  8. Once the voting is complete, A [Grant] is created, and 75% of the funds of the [Donation] are deposited to the account of the winning [Applicant] once voting is complete.
  9. 15% of the funds of the [Donation] are shared between the [Voters] who participated in the voting process, paid out as [Rewards] immediately after they vote.
  10. 10% of the funds of the [Donation] are deposited to the bekwestAccount [Owner].

How it's Made

What technologies did you use?

  • Next.js
  • Solidity
  • Remix IDE
  • TypeScript
  • Chakra UI
  • Celo Alfajores
  • React

How are they pieced together?

  • The dApp is deploy on both Celo Alfajores, and Celo Dango, and the front-end is built using Next.js

If you used any partner technologies, how did it benefit your project? Did you do anything particularly hacky that's notable and worth mentioning?

  • Celo was cheap to deploy to, and the gas fees are way less compared to other blockchains
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