
Bazaar Market is an NFT bartering market that allows users to swap multiple NFTs with one another. We also have our own AI generated NFT project that users can mint for free with the code EthGlobal2022 and begin trading with each other.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

Project Description

We also created an AI generated NFT project using a fine-tuned version of the open source text-to-image stable diffusion model. This model allowed us to generate 104 Diffemon cards. The OpenSea link can be found here We did this in hopes of bringing people to the platform and encouraging them to trade with one another as they will most likely end up with duplicates. We plan on keeping Diffemon a free-to-mint project and allot players packs by using and promoting the site.

How it's Made

The front-end was built using Next.js and Tailwind for the UI. We also used a supabase database to store information regarding the swaps, the db was configured using Prisma, while the connections to it are collected through a Prisma Data Proxy. The queries and mutations on the db are done through trpc. We have used NFTPort as the main source of information for the NFTs, combined with Rarify. We used wagmi, rainbowkit, ethers packages to implement the wallet connect and perform contract transactions. The UI kit used for the build is DaisyUI.

The swaps have been implemented using the nfttrader sdk:

For our NFT project you can find the fine-tuned pokemon stable diffusion model here This model allowed us to generate 104 Diffemon cards. The OpenSea link can be found here The images were generated using the Stable Diffusion while the names and personalities were generated by GPT3. I designed the cards using the library wand. We also created a solidity contract that lets us allot a certain number of packs to an address and then that person can mint packs for free. Each pack contains 6 random cards from the collection. We are very proud of our NFT collection and think it is very unique in the space. It was a lot of fun to create and we think the art came out looking great. It was very much hacked together, since we are developers and not artists, but it was very interesting learning about the new tools necessary to make the cards.

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