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Surf school for base, but cooler. Learn, Discover, and Surf through possibilities on Base while earning juicy rewards.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Base - Best apps built for social on Base

Project Description

Basics is a gamified academy on Base, for Base. It's for other Layer2 users, enthusiasts and individuals already active in the Base ecosystem, offering an engaging way to deepen their expertise.

What are we Solving?

  • Fragmented ecosystem navigation: Unifying Base experience for streamlined learning, earning, and building.
  •  High-Friction Onboarding: Breaking entry barriers with gamified, accessible approach to Base.

How are we solving?

Gamified ecosystem hub: Imagine a virtual surf school where each module is a thrilling "surf spot," and challenging quests are the "big waves" waiting to be conquered. As users progress, they earn "sea shells" (points) and climb the ranks from "Beach Wanderer" to "Wave Rider" to "Surf Master."

Basics isn't just an educational platform; it's a journey through the Base ecosystem, where learning feels like catching the perfect wave.

How it's Made

This project uses Privy for seamless authentication, Next.js with typescript for the frontend, TailwindCSS for smooth styling, i18n compatible to make it vernacular, Node.js, MongoDB compass as the database, Airstack and Talent Protocol APIs for fetching profile details by wallet address or the farcaster username and Brian SDK to integrate an AI knowledge pool.

The Interactive UI/UX brings the surfing theme to life while delivering serious educational content.

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