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Base Rewind

Mint your Base OnChain Summer journey by playing a game which is uniquely built by using your on-chain summer activity data

Base Rewind

Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Base Rewind allows minters of Base OnChain Summer projects to rewind their journey, visualize their Summer activity & see how far they've come by playing an interactive game.

The game levels are designed uniquely for each minter by using their on chain transaction details like #projects minted during Base Summer, order of the mints, total owners of project NFTs, etc. as seed.

After a user completes the game they are presented with a unique NFT summarizing their OnChain Summer activity.

How it's Made

Authentication with Wallet Connect: To ensure secure and user-friendly authentication, Wallet Connect was implemented. This technology allows users to connect their cryptocurrency wallets (e.g., MetaMask) to the application, enabling secure access and transactions.

Dune APIs for Base Chain Data: Dune APIs were leveraged to access data from the Base blockchain. Specifically, these APIs were used to retrieve the Base chain mint data for individual users. This data served as the foundation for generating personalized game levels.

HTML5 for Game Development: The game itself was developed using HTML5, a versatile and widely supported web technology. HTML5 provides a robust framework for creating interactive and responsive web-based games. It includes features like canvas for graphics rendering and multimedia support for audio and video elements.

Smart Contract for NFT Minting: A smart contract was developed and deployed on the Base blockchain. This contract was responsible for minting Rewind NFTs upon successful completion of the game. These NFTs represent in-game achievements and are recorded on the blockchain for ownership and provenance tracking.

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