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Base Frame

A tool to create, buy and sell your products onchain using frames.

Base Frame

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Project Description

I choose the idea to built a tool which serve two purpose in one way as a consumer. I can buy a product on the frame itself with my transactions details onchain.

Other use is a seller can use my tool add his products and his wallet details and start selling his products online.

I choosed this idea because in web2 social media application if I have a big audience and you want to sell something to them. You have to redirect them to other sites which causes friction. But using frames it can be done on the same platform. I used this and try to build a tool which facilitate the seller to start selling through frames in just few steps.

How it's Made

In this project I used next.js and tailwind css. Next.js helps in building complete application and tailwind helps write css easily.

In the partner technologies I have used frames.js and base. Frame.js helps me to build the frames easily without wrtie much boilerplate code as I have 3-4 dynamic frames and its image generator feature is awesome.

Base helps me to integrate onchain transactions and help me to complete even the small transaction with very minimal gas fee and in just few seconds.

Hacky, I open all the required docs and complete the most requried part like transaction so that I will not have to hurry at the time of submission.

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