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BAM Protocol

The BAM Protocol defines a new primitive for incentivizing provable off-chain actions on chain. In addition we have built the BAM portal v0.1, a competitive, scam resistant escrow market for Twitter KOL’s powered by our new primitive.

BAM Protocol

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Winner of

Lit Protocol - Best Use of Programmable Signing (Sign within a Lit Action)

Project Description

Our Project consists of two main components, the BAM protocol, and the BAM portal. The BAM Protocol is a novel primitive which allows for any off chain action, that can be proven to have happened.

The Current Implementation of the BAM protocol is built to be able to incentivise ANY action. To leverage it, you simply need to connect a prover service, an off-chain source of truth (SOT), or an oracle. If the action can be proven, it can be incentivized through the BAM Protocol.

To harness the power of the BAM protocol we also created the BAM Portal, which acts as scam-resistant, competitive, escrow market for twitter KOLs. Incentive providers can create bespoke orders for their needs, filtering by follower count, sentiment, and many other variables, and pair their desired action with an incentive, which is then temporarily stored in the contract. Action providers can negotiate on both the action and the incentives. Once they fill the order, they would create the tweet and provide the tweet ID to our front end. This is then passed to the TEE running on LIT Protocol, which uses the Twitter API to reach consensus on the result of the action. Once consensus is reached the attestation is posted to both Flow network and Fhenix. At this point the incentive is taken out of the order and is sent to the action provider.\

However our current BAM portal is just the tip of the iceberg. The BAM primitive is far more powerful and flexible than just verifying twitter KOL’s. Here are some of the extensions that are possible TODAY with BAM. Incentivised KOL’s on any platform Supply Chain proofs, allowing for real work goods to be exchanged White hat hacking and auditing Consumer / Market Data Digital Labor (Logo Creation, Video Creation etc)

How it's Made

Our project is designed to facilitate the incentivization of off-chain actions, while still supporting on-chain actions through traditional mechanisms. We achieved this by implementing a fork of the Royco protocol, which provides a solid foundation for managing incentives and verification processes.

The core component of the system is the order book, which serves as a marketplace for defining and negotiating the terms of verification scripts. These scripts, which are critical for off-chain action validation, are stored on IPFS and executed by LIT Protocol nodes using Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs).

Within the marketplace, order negotiation allows both incentive providers and action providers to adjust the parameters that will feed into these verification scripts. For example, in the case of Twitter actions, these parameters might include follower counts or retweet activity over a specified period. This flexible negotiation process ensures that both parties agree on clear, quantifiable metrics.

Once an order is fulfilled on-chain, the off-chain action provider has a set timeframe—defined by the incentive provider—to complete the required action. At that point, the LIT Protocol nodes run the verification scripts to confirm whether the action occurred as agreed. The result is a signed message or hash, which is then verified by the on-chain contract. Upon successful verification, the action provider is paid out atomically, ensuring a secure, trustless transaction.

By integrating multiple technologies such as IPFS for decentralized storage, LIT Protocol for off-chain verification, and smart contracts for secure payouts, we’ve built a robust, flexible platform that enables seamless incentivization of both on-chain and off-chain actions.

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