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Aztec NFTs Fractionals

Aztec Interactive NFTs Fractional Ownership using NIFTEX to provide liquidity and governance functionality on $AZTEC ERC20 Tokens

Aztec NFTs Fractionals

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Project Description

Aztec Interactive NFTs is a blockchain game where players use digital collectible assets to play and get crypto rewards.The game still in development and it's planned to be playable on Mexican public parks using augmented reality. A playable demo was presented on the Market Make Hack 2021

For this hack, I will test fractional ownership for the Aztec NFTs using NIFTEX protocol, looking to expand liquidity channels to continue the game development and provide governance for the project evolution to current Aztec NFTs holders.

How it's Made

We deployed an ERC 1155 contract using Hardhat and Alchemy on the Rinkeby Testnet to mint Aztec NFTs and test NIFTEX Fractional Ownership. We use IPFS to fetch the URI and the NFT's animation and Remix and Rinkenby Etherscan to claim AZTEC NFTs in exchange for $AZTEC fractionals.

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