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AutoSafe is an automated piggy bank that saves a predetermined amount cUSD at specified intervals as well as also saves Celo native coin whenever it goes -1% on the 24hour chart.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Celo - Deploy on our new Cel2 Testnet Dango and provide feedback

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project is a decentralised bank with savings functionalities in the form of

  1. Simple timelock to hold stableCoins and native assets
  2. Depositing stable ERC20 tokens into Superform's Yearn Base Strategy using the ERC4626 standard
  3. Automated savings using Chainlink keeper function
  4. Native tokens can also be deposited to achieve a dollar-cost-averaging approach. here we implemented the Pyth oracle to fetch on-chain data which serves as gateway to making native token deposits. Deposits is only permitted if the CELO/USD 24hour chart shows a downtrend greater than 1%(used for convinience, initial plan was to use 5%). This provides an hedge against the fear of devaluation associated with crypto assets

How it's Made

  1. There are two major smart contracts all deployed and verified via foundry on the celoAlfojores network.
  2. The front-end was scaffolded using celo-composer which is based on typescript.
  3. The smart contracts were integrated using wagmi but viem was also used for convenience in some instances.
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