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A Dapps that help recover automobile that are stolen from anywhere in the world.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

AutoRecover is a Multichain web3 project with the aim of helping users recover their stolen automobiles. Users whose vehicles are stolen register the vehicle as a bounty on the platform. Anyone with useful, information on removing the vehicle can claim the bounty and stream it using the Supefluid money streaming platform. Communicating to recover the lost vehicle is done using XMTP. This project uses the open zeppelin ERC721 standard to store file metadata ERI in an EVM-based smart contract. The smart contract is deployed on Polygon Mumbai. Polygon which is an Ethereum scaling and POS Blockchain was the best choice for deployment to reduce the cost of transactions and interaction with the blockchain.

How it's Made

This project was made using several technologies. The front-end was designed using a server-side-rendering javascript tech known as NextJS. The latest version of Next.Js was used because of how fast it was to build the project. IPFS / Filecoin's NFT.Storage was used to store users' bounty files on their decentralized storage. TableLand collects users' information with this metadata stored so that it can be queried. NFTPort was used to send users who upload bounty an NFT as proof of bounty ownership for using the service. The smart contract uses Openzeppelin's ERC-721 specification to hold metadata URI, ethers.js was used to interact with the smart contract. The contract was deployed to Polygon Mumbai blockchain and Aurora. The project versioning was done with Valist. The entire project demo was deployed to Spheron.

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