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Libraries and tools for reading and creating schemas and attestations with EAS on the blockchain and offline


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

The project is a monorepo that provides tools rfor registering schemas to the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS), creating attestations, revoking attestation and reading schema and attestation data. The attestation data can be stored either on the blockchain or offline.

There are the following main packages:

  • "packages/core": includes functionality to register schemas, and read schemas from the blockchains that EAS supports, create attestations, read attestation, and support attestations from the blockchains that EAS supports, as well as offchain
  • "packages/cli": provides a CLI for attestations and schema data
  • "packages/react": provides React hooks and unstyled components for attestation and schema data that can be used to build frontend applications

How it's Made

The project uses ppm to manage separate but related packages under the same workspace. Each package is written in TypeScript and uses the “@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk” alongside the “ethers.js” library. The “packages/react” package uses @wagmi to connect to a wallet in the browser and then provides a signer by using the suggested methodology for getting an “ethers.js” signer:

The project also includes a sample frontend application under the “example/“ directory. The sample application uses @wagmi was created with “pnpm create wagmi“. It uses the React components from “packages/react” to demonstrate how to use them for building a frontend application.

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